Sunday, July 27, 2014

Getting older!

A few weeks ago, I reached a milestone in my life. I said goodbye to my fun-filled twenties and an apprehensive hello to my thirties. Although I didn't experience what many would call the "dread" of turning 30, it did encourage me to take a long hard look at my life so far!

Compared to others I know of a similar age and background, I would say that I have had quite a lot of

varied experiences in the past decade.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Working with a family... making it work

There is no doubt about it... trying to juggle a full time job and a young family is difficult!! I have heard many different ways that parents of young children deal with this and find it very insightful to hear each individual story. Some work part time to reduce the whopping costs of childcare (can be over 1000 eur/gbp a month for 1 child/full time), others rope in the grandparents to help as much as possible. Either way, we've got to work or return to work at some point so you have to find the best situation for you and your family.